A new start

For a very long time, stfoto.nl has been a blog about my work. I’ve never offered my services professionally, but things are changing.

Last Wednesday my manager offered me a new contract at work leaving me working for 4 days a week. This means I will have 1-2 days a week to spent on other stuff. I’ve decided I want to dedicate these hours to photography and video. So here it is, me working on a new version of the website where I offer various services.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m still starting up and I have a LOT of boring paperwork to figure out, but it’ll be worth it.

Many thanks to friends and colleagues for their support.

– Steven.

“Walking on a Sunday morning”.

Hi guys! Had a couchsurfing guest at my place last night. Was brief, but fun. In the morning I brought her to the center of Arnhem where she had to do an English test. Anyway, on my way back I took some pics.




Most of them are quite in the same style I’ve been working for a while. Of course there will be people saying they’re photoshopped… I just call it processing.

Till next post!


Canon 24-105 IS USM L love.

About two weeks ago I bought the Canon 24-105 IS USM L camera from a really cool photographer. In general photographers are mean bastards. Yes I’ve said it in public, I dislike them. No I don’t dislike them, I hate them. But this guy was really cool! So here are some pictures I took yesterday with this awesome lens.

In the meanwhile you can also take a look at his website here: http://www.basweetink.nl/


Would you look at that, another trip! Yes ladies and gentleman, Steven is going on another bicycle trip!

This year the trip will be from Emmerich to Monaco. An exciting trip over mountains and the plains of France. We’ll see the provence while getting exhausted.

Want to know more? Visit the special website and tell us what you want us to do! Yes you’ve read it correct, YOU can come up with daily challenges and more!

Go to http://www.emmerichtomonaco.nl and share your challenge for us!

Back to the beginning, 300D.

When I was 18 years old I bought my first digital SLR. Needless to say it was a Canon EOS. Today, 7 years later I bought the bastard again for 1/9th of the price… times they are changing!

A new lifestyle.

A new house, a completely new location, far away from friends and family. Yes it’s something totally different.

Everything is new. From transport, food, the house to clothes and times I go to bed. To make the contrast even bigger, things got really cold after 2-3 weeks of living here. So cold that we actually got snow, nice! Except if you have to use your bicycle on a daily basis.

Either way, here some pics from my new “situation”.

This is my current bed. I actually finished putting it together yesterday!

Me after I just came home.

In the cold fields out there, clothes like these aren’t a luxery. I often cycle around 10-11pm through snowy blizzards. So a regular t-shirt and a cap won’t do.

Another one!

This is a famous building next to trainstation Wehl. It has been abandonned for a while now. Can you tell?

And here two other pics I took last friday when I went to Amsterdam. Taken at Utrecht CS after my train had a 30 minute delay.

That’s all for now, hope you enjoy them!

From Emmerich, with love.

Oaky it’s been a while but life has been crazy! I moved to Emmerich, I STILL don’t have internet there and I’ve been busy at work as well. Working 40 hours a week is quite a lot, especially if you do a lot of crunchtiming.

Photography still has it’s place in my daily routines and I occaisionly still take pictures. Especially in the weekends of course. So here are some very recent pictures all taken around my new house. Enjoy!

Still alive, no worries.

I think for my visitors, the post about me having a job was bad news. Well you can clearly see that I have been a tad less productive photography wise. Well at least I could pay for new gear. Also on my bicycle trip to Poland (yeah I did that stuff) I didn’t bring my EOS. Kinda regret it but okay.

So did I do nothing? Oh I did something. Here some shots from the last few days for you to enjoy!

My Job

Okay guys, I think everyone has noticed I’ve been away for a while. I have a job. Yes, I have a job. It’s true.

Anyway took my cam to work. And I do respect the no-inside-photography-rules, so I took it outside. Here’s some pictures from my “workspace”!

Did I edit them: Yes.

Do I care about people who hate editing: No.


Simple. Photography is an interpretation of a mixture between life, how one sees it mixed with his or her feelings at that time. So there you have it. Limiting yourself within a creative branch is like creating engines to go slower. Pointless and not as much as FUN!

Just some tests.

Trying out a new studio setup with a black background and an improvised softbox. So far I’m quite happy with it but I’ve got lot’s to learn… luckily!

Heikki’s helmet when he still raced for ING Renault F1. I got this helmet from Isabelle Connor after an assignment I did for her. That made me so proud!

Here you can see Heikki’s autograph really good, awesome!

A bit edited to my likings, but probably less than how much you’d suspect… the light setup, less contrast and the white balance already does a lot.

Last but not least, where the magic happens:

Comments/questions are very welcome of course! Hope you enjoy.

Very random stuff actually.

Bought some thick paper to create a new product studio. So far so good. I also got a HUGE black sheet so that will be fun to play with. In the meanwhile: test shots and some skateboarding action from Arnhem where I had a job interview..

And now the promised skateboarding stuff…

5D MKII 2.0.4 firmware

I won’t offer a download since Canon learned from the 2.0.3 firmware and placed a mirror… but the new 2.0.4 firmware can be found here:

Canon Download site


I really wonder if anyone from Canon saw my website…

Reason they updated the firmware so quickly:

There was a phenomenon in which the manual recording settings made in C1/C2/C3 were changed and sound could not be recorded if manual sound recording was used in the C1/C2/C3 settings and the camera was subsequently turned off (or if Auto Power Off was activated). This does not occur in modes other than C1/C2/C3.

Thanks Canon for a quick fix for this issue! Not that I use it since I love manual… but I’m sure lot’s of people use it!

EOS 5D Mark II Firmware Update Version 2.0.3 Download Mirror here!

Hey Canon 5D Mark II ( MKII ) owners.

You can download the new EOS 5D MKII firmware, 2.0.3 at here:


However, the site seems extremely overloaded so I thought let’s upload it to my own server as a MIRROR and offer it to all my 5DMKII friends.

You can get it here as well:


We had the 500th download… =)

If you downloaded this, please comment (and verify it worked for you! 🙂 )

It worked for me so no worries friends!



Also take a look at the number of visitors to my site since I posted this page….


A Guitar

Doing a light study with my remote flash at the moment. First attempt… the batteries are dead so I have to recharge them. Fair enough here’s my bass guitar!

New Layout, old pics!

Let’s make things happier shall we? From the old stylish black I went for a completely different style. It’s by far from finished but I already liked it more than the old one so here it is.

A screenshot of the old layout can be found HERE.

Also I found some pictures I took a while back with an old 50 1.8 lens. So here we go!



Hope you guys like the new layout!

The Code

Can you read his QR Code? Mobile phones can “read” it. My new mobile can do it and I’m extremely happy with it.