
First I’d like to start saying: All a merry X-mas and a happy 2010 with lot’s of work, joy happiness, adventures and health.

Then now of course some photography!

That’s it for now. See you next time!

P.s. I’m currently looking for a job in New Media. Know anything? Let me know. For more info also see Thanks!


I simply love to cook. I made this for me and my dad. Two baguettes filled with veggies and roasted chicken. Added to that some sauces and some nice quality herbs. Cooking is very nice.

Random stuff.

Okay okay, I know I still have to add some pictures from my trip to Sweden, but hey… it’s one of those jobs that’s going to take hours and you don’t have a deadline, after all, it’s a hobby. So instead here some random shots from the past few days.


Followed by this picture, which I took in Almere Stad. It’s quite a famous building here. I just like it’s pattern a lot. Tried to capture it.

And then… sunny Caribbean beach life, apart from the fact it’s taken over here in cold Almere, the Netherlands.

Oh and if you wonder, no this picture has not been edited except from the frame. Don’t we love color settings in the 5D MKII ?

That’s it for now! Much more to come, like I always say…!

Testing the Polarisation: New wallet.

Yesterday Chantal, a friend of mine, came to visit me since she’s been to Australia for quite a while. And well just like some other friends she knew I needed a new wallet. Refusing to buy a new one since I really liked my old one, she bought me one. I have to say it’s bigger, holds more space and looks way more stylished and quite a bit more mature. Ah well…
One thing I liked more about the old one, is that in order to fit my money in I had to fold it and thus making it look I had twice the amount of money. Ah well… Let’s earn more money so I get that same feeling, hm?

Polarisation filter.

Hey guys! How’ve you been? Well I’ve been to Sweden by bike and all went very well. I will post some shots very soon. Still in the process of selecting them, sorting them out etc etc.
But for now I have something funny, I’ve started using and understanding the polarisation filter.

Why now? Well at first I heard “yes it’s a must have, it removes reflections“. This is basically what all articles state and they show some pictures which look really nice. Still often I hardly see any difference. Once again I read one of those articles, and since some company accidentaly sent me one of those filters for my new lens, I thought let’s give it ONE more shot.

So where did it went wrong all other times? Aparently you can ROTATE the filter to change the effect. And all of a sudden a world opened to me…
When you try it… ROTATE THE FILTER!!!

Okay so now to the part “it removes reflections”. Sounds nice but … what does it really do?
According to my own observation it removes light with a high intensity. And the light range that you remove is adjustable (rotate rotate rotate….) I even managed to look at my PC screen and with the right setup I made the complete screen (which was for 90% bright white) completely black. Speaking of a difference lol!

But also reflections such as highlights on shiney smooth objects or matte objects.
When is this handy? I’ll show you in some examples.

Also something that is nice, imagine taking a picture from a car but you see the reflection from the window, you can allmost completely remove this reflection with this filter!!!! OKAY you will still see some, but hey who doesn’t love Photoshop these days aye?

So enough words, let’s get some examples where it’s obvious that it HELPS.

See the difference? NOTE: these are ALL taken with the filter on, but by rotating you can “turn it off or on”.

That’s it for now, hope it helps you guys! Oh and by the way the filter I used “Massa PL 77mm” on my Canon 24-105 L lens, on the 5DMKII.
Yes it’s a cheap filter from hong kong but seriously, it does it’s job!

I’ll be gone for a while!!

Hey loyal followers of my blog!

In 2 days, so well next Sunday, me and Joost are going on a trip. Yes. A Bicycle trip.
Why is this worth mentioning without posting new pictures?

Well you see… it’s quite a bloody long trip… it’s going to be 1550 km and we’re gonna take aprox. 3-4 weeks for it to happen.

I’ll be riding my recumbent bike, Joost is riding my old tour bike… a Kenosha.

Good thing is, we can be followed every day through the following website:

which will be moderated by my dearest friend Roxanna. (

Here’s a picture of my bike:

Anyway all, take care and any words are appreciated through the other website!!! I’m gonna need some luck haha!

Seeeeeee ya!

Website updated!

Hey people!

Before I used a template from a website, but now I finally made my own. I used an application though, but still so far I’m happy with the result. There will be quite some tweaks and updates soon but the most important thing works: The website is wider!
Because of this I can post my images a bit bigger than before. With the old template I had to use a width of max. 600.. now I can go up to around 850!

AH well, I’m off to the gym!


Hi Germany, I’m back.

Alright, Chantal and me where bored so why not go to Germany? Well that wasn’t the actual plan. We took the first train from Almere-Muziekwijk where I picked Chantal up. We ended up in Utrecht, from there we picked a random destination (Chantal pointed out a random place on a map while she wasnt looking) and by that we ended up in Venlo. There we took a train to Germany. So here’s that trip in some pictures.

This was at Almere Stad central station.

This was at the place where we ended up.. It was a place called “Dulken”. Quite small but it was really nice.

View Larger Map

Pigeon in Venlo.

An old railway house. I love deserted buildings, really nice. Too bad I had to take this shot from a moving train.

This is the Dulken train station, pretty cute aye? Way nicer than all those modern stations that we have.

Some old houses in Dulken, deserted… would love to live in such a house!

Too bad we didn’t have much time left, otherwise I would have loved to have a drink there!

Nice old German Mercedes truck. Really liked the atmosphere… felt a bit like I was in an old movie haha.

Then we went home, I saw this bus and thought it was a nice sunset…

That’s all for now! I have sooo more many new pictures, will post a bit more regular from now on haha! Bye!

Still kicking? Yup.

Okay fact, I’m not out of the game yet. Even a 2-3 minute submergion of my camera couldn’t stop me. On the bad side, I did lose my 28-135 USM IS lens. On the bright side, I could finally justify buying a new L lens so I went for the 23-105 and got it for a bargain! This guy was really friendly and gave it to me for a very very good price.. lucky me!

Still it was enough to allmost get me bankrupt lol.

Here some new pics, let’s start with some taken with my 1DMKII and the 100-400 IS USM L lens.

And another one..

And here it was tired of posing… so it went off.

And then this image, it’s one of the first images I took with my 24-105 lens… I love it now already!

And here’s a final, kind of random picture I took with the 5DMKII and an extremely cheap 28-80 lens.. lol.

That’s it for now!

Famous last words, bye 5DMKII.

Due to an accident, my 5D MKII went to the bottom of a small river. I dived in but it was already submerged. Goodbye Canon 5D MKII. I loved it, it was all I had so here are the last pictures I could get back from the camera.

Day before, Joost calling…

Cows the day before, not edited by the way…

And another picture.

This camera was my everything. Photography became a way of life for me and I loved this camera to the bone. As a student I can’t just get another one… I can’t afford it so for now this will be the last post. It’s a sad day.

Cheers all, it was fun.

Steve went to Germany – GERMANY SPECIAL!!!!

Hey boys and girls!

Thursday there was Queensday in the Netherlands. It’s supposed to be a day of parties, open market (everyone can sell stuff on the streets, some sort of national garage-sale) and the Queen makes visits to villages… well this year it was difference since some total lunatic tried to attack the Queen, failed but DID kill and injure a lot of people in that brutal act. 

The party atmosphere all suddenly became bitter…

— But —

The day after, 2 friends and me had the idea to do a random travel. Victor, Erfan and me took a train to the border of the Netherlands and Germany. And the result was that we actually made it to Germany. We had some trouble finding the proper hotel so at an early hour we took the first train to Duisburg from Emmerich am Rhein. We had a great trip and thus we present you all:


It’s going to be a lot of pictures… so get some popcorn, have a drink and enjoy my pictures!

Okay, we went by train to Arnhem, then to Doetinchem and from there we took the bus to ‘s Heerenbergen (pronounced as zerenbergen).
But we didn’t know what the end-stop was so aparently we went back to Zeddam. The next bus was due in one hour so we decided to WALK to Emmerich. This picture was taken there. Look, we DO have hills!

Sun was getting lower, looked lovely.

And the path continued…

Just a random Sepia pic I thought it fitted the moment haha.

And then we actually went over the boarder and arrived in Germany!

There the sunset still looked lovely haha:
But yes it was getting later and later.

Then we arrived in Emmerich am Rhein, and since this is in the “Ruhr area” there aparently is lot’s of industry. Yes there is.

We went to the centre of Emmerich to check out the city centre and look for a hotel.

After lot’s of hassle with hotels we went to a german pub that actually appeared to be a Polish pub and we LOVED it there!

So this was the whole travelcrew. Me, Erfan and Victor.

At 4 in the morning we where wating at the Emmerich am Rhein Bahnhoff. This was our lovely view. Well Vic and Erfan where waiting inside the station, I took a walk.

More Emmerich am Rhein Bahnhoff stuff… and more to come:


And here. This train was at quite a distance but I walked there and walked on the track to make this picture. The day after I took another picture in broad daylight with my new Canon EOS 3000 analog camara.

After a VERY turbulant journey to Duisburg, we actually arrived. Here we where standing on a bridge looking at the morning light.

In the far distance we saw this massive building. Just thinking of buying it to do photoshoots and host huge parties just makes me shiver!

Another harbour shot.

We climbed over a fence and went to the large building. Especially from up close it became obvious: it needed some renovation lol.

The older harbour crane from up close. Looks like a mech warrior for some reason…

When we left I saw this pole at a gate. And yes I forgot to add the borders haha.

The large building had some old compound close so I took a picture from within. Quite some over exposure there haha.

The building itself was quite dark. I think it was built just before World War II.

Then we left. After this shot I saw my battery was extremely low so I had to save for film (since I was filming with my 5DMKII all the time)

In the afternoon we went home, so we took the train:
And arrived home safely around 18:00.

It was a hell of a trip but I loved it. Tired as I was, I went to bed around 22:00 and woke up the next day around 6:00 am haha.

Can’t wait for my next trip. This was it for now hope you all enjoyed this update which took me 2 hours to create haha!


The weekend…

Okay I really had a crazy weekend! 
Friday: party  Came home at 9AM.  (first train…)
Saturday: 2 parties, my brother’s daughter, Nina turned 2 years old. So this one is for her:

Happy Birthday li’l one!!

And here some pictures from Friday-evening where we partied and eventually me and Jeffrey walked from Amsterdam Amstel to Amsterdam Central Station…

Lot’s of friendly people… the guy in the background tries to strangle me too, so don’t worry it’s fine. Hehe.

The Amstel, a river that flows through Amsterdam.

Image created for an anti-alcohol campaign… lol!

I bet Jeff will go crazy if I didn’t post a picture of myself, so yeah that’s me.. Thanks Jeff for the picture! Next time I’ll explain how to FOCUS the lens…. Hehe.

That’s it for now, lot’s more to come soon I already got lot’s of stuff ready.

Don’t forget to comment and if you got any questions or remarks: post ‘m or mail me!


Again some more..

Being in a postingspree is nice, especially since there isn’t much content yet… so I thought to update it on a more regular basis. 

I Really liked that the clean teapot and cups are dark and the dirty cup is in the highlight. Dunno why… 

Random forrest picture.

Taken the same day as the forrest picture… this is around the corner at my house and it’s a train-bridge.

Yay got a new pc, and this is something that caught my eye… it looks like a part from a car haha. Never had a pc before with cooling-pipes. Funny stuff looks a bit like a steampunked pc haha.

That’s it for now, please leave a comment!


P.s. changed the layout, hope you guys like it. I love the black since the pictures are easier to see. And the rest is just funky!