Rabbits in the winter

Winter! Oh how much I love it. Near my photostudio is a small field with lot’s of rabbits, decided to go there and shoot some…

Of course this was with my camera, I’d never kill one of these bundles of joy. Brought my recently purchased 70-200 2.8 and well, check out these cute fluffy adorable sweet results.









München, Dachau en Salzburg: vakantie 2014

Emma and me like to travel a lot. Especially she likes Germany, and I like to go to new places. So it became München since it was also close to the Alps.

We’ve seen a lot of stuff and we experienced a lot of diversity. I mean, we stayed at a 4 star hotel in a shady neighbourhood, and used Couchsurfing to crash at an awesome guy’s place. We saw the horrific Dachau, and cheered at the finals of the World Cup. Saw nature in the Alps, and enjoyed the exciting city center of München. Here’s some pics, but be sure to check out the whole gallery for your enjoyment.


_MG_3578 _MG_3576

_MG_3299 _MG_3272 _MG_3327

Check out the whole gallery

25mm f1.4 CCTV Lens, Cmount en macro ring lens review


small_25mmlensSinds een jaartje of twee zijn de systeemcamera’s hélemaal in. Dit zijn soort combinaties tussen een spiegelreflex waar je lenzen van kan verwisselen, en digitale compactcamera’s welke, zoals de naam al suggereert,  een stuk compacter zijn. Nadeel was altijd dat je dus geen lenzen kan verwisselen waardoor je vast zit aan de standaard lens die er op zit.

Canon kwam ook met een systeemcamera uit, de Canon EOS M. Momenteel zijn daar twee Canon lenzen voor; de EF-M 18-55 en de EF-M 22mm F2 pancake (pannekoek) lens.

Echter, een stelletje slimmerikken kwamen op het idee om beveiligingcamera-lenzen op de EOS-M te zetten. Door middel van een speciale tussenring passen deze goedkope maar leuke lenzen zó op de EOS-M. En het resultaat? Creatief, origineel, apart en redelijk onbruikbaar voor écht gebruik. Maar het fun-gehalte is onwijs leuk bij deze lenzen. Stfoto bestelde voor slechts €16 euro (inc. verzendkosten!) een converterring met 25mm F1.4 CCTV lens en speelde hier een dagje mee.

Eerste indruk

De lens kwam binnen, en oogt best degelijk. Hij is van zilver metaal en het diafragma opent en sluit soepel. Ook past hij heel netjes op de tussen-ring, welke op zijn beurt weer perfect aansluit op de EOS-M. Persoonlijk vind ik het er kicke uit zien, een beetje zoals ouderwetse camera’s, maar dan met een digitale achtergrond.

Het kijken door de lens is heel apart. Het focussen is meer een soort gok, heel dichtbij komt hij standaard niet. Ook is de waas rondom erg sterk, en is het uiteinde van de lens duidelijk te zien op de foto’s. Een beetje croppen in photoshop is dus op zijn plaats.

De camera belicht bij manual exposure de foto’s nét te veel. Stel de camera te donker in en je foto’s zijn prima belicht.



Bij de lens zitten ook twee macro-ringen welke je op elkaar kan draaien (of je gebruikt er één). Dit maakt het setje echt bijzonder compleet. Met beide ringen zijn echt hele gave macrofoto’s te maken waar de scherpte me enorm meevalt. Zeker voor een lens van deze prijs. Gebruik je één macrolens, dan is de camera perfect voor bloemen en andere objecten van ongeveer 5 bij 5 cm. Beide ringen zijn top als je dingen van 1 bij 1 cm fotografeert. Heel leuk, hier ga ik nog veel plezier van hebben!



Wil je een beetje retro/hipsterfoto’s maken in het park of op feestjes, dan is dit een leuke lens. Buiten doet hij het bij genoeg licht heel goed. En ook met een hogere iso is het ‘s avonds prima foto’s maken. Zorg wel dat je even oefent zodat je hem zelf snel kan scherpstellen. De foto’s hebben extreem veel vignetting en zelfs een mooie strakke cirkel wanneer je het diafragma helemaal dicht draait. Ook hier weer: croppen tot je 70% van je foto over houdt.


Heb je een EOS-M dan is dit een onwijs leuke uitbreiding. Ik heb hier nu al meer plezier van gehad dan ik mijn lensbaby gebruikt heb, en ze staan qua fun-wathebje’raan-gehalte op dezelfde plek. Qua prijs is het niet te vergelijken. Het zal voor mij geen standaard vakantielens worden, maar als de EOS-M ergens naartoe gaat, dan gaat deze wel mee. Zie hieronder de foto’s. Allemaal iets bewerkt en gecropped, op ééntje na.










Finally, my own photostudio

Since I was 16 years old, I wanted my own photostudio, and now it’s finally there.

In between Nijmegen and Arnhem, is the small city of Bemmel. It’s here were I’ve rented an old gym from a school. The gym is huge, and thus perfect for my studio. I can make it pitchdark, or use natural light.

So far, I’ve done some test-shots with my 1.6 meter wide backdrop. But tomorrow, I’ll receive 5 backdrops all 2.7 meters wide. Two black, two white and a greenscreen. Nice. Here are some test-shots.

A nice behind-the-scene’s pic. I liked it too much not to share.





A happy 2014 from Roma / Rome!

First of all, I’d like to wish you all a very happy and healthy 2014! It’s been a while since I posted something, and I actually still have to post some America photo’s.

Anyway, my girlfriend and me went to Rome for New Years Eve. I fixed my website and uploaded the gallery. Since it was a LOT of photo’s, I decided to devote a page to it. Enjoy!

The Coloseum
The Coloseum

View the Rome gallery

Catacombes de Paris

Last week My gf and I were in Paris, and what a trip that was. We’ve seen the most beautiful people, tasted the finest wines and cheeses. Met many interesting people, talked to artists, enjoyed the many romantic views and we’ve visited the well known touristic spots. 

Of course we’ve visited the Champs Elysee, seen the Arc du Triomf, Basilique du Sacré Coeur de Montmartre, Eiffel tower, Notre Dame and many more famous places. But we’ve also visited a more infamous place: the Catacombes de Paris.

Underneath the romantic city with hints to a long gone past, there is a 290 km long network of tunnels. Initially these were made to mine chalk. However, from 1786 till the 19th century, these tunnels were used to store the bones of about 6 million French people. Nowadays you can visit the final resting place of these poor souls. Here are some of the pics I’ve taken.
















Some happy stuff soon, no worries.

Canon EOS 10D IR(infrared) + Sigma 15mm

Hey guys,

Bought a second hand used Canon EOS 10D modded with a special IR filter. A regular digital camera has a special “anti” infrared filter. This means it will NOT allow infrared light. However, some-one removed this filter and placed another filter which only allows infrared light. A new world opened in front of my eyes.

Lens used with these pics: 15mm fisheye. If you know me, and my fisheye lens, you will be used to a wider perspective. However, due to the 10D’s cropfactor the pictures are a bit cropped. A nice 8mm fisheye is on it’s way though! But this won’t be a surprise either for those who know me.





That’s it, hope you enjoy! Leave a comment if you have anything to say! Appreciated.

300D – playing around

Remember the old Canon EOS 300D camera? I might have the 1DMKII and 5DMKII around, but sometimes it’s nice to play around with the oldies. Don’t forget I started with this camera and I did paid work with it.

Arnhem, Boulevard Heuvelink. Shot with a nice Minolta 135mm 2.8 lens (converter used)

Welcome to eternal happiness – My kitchen.  14mm wide-angle lens.

Shot with an old Nikkor lens, on my EOS using a converter.

Same lens as in the previous picture, but on macro.

Got this flower from my girlfriend. So I decided to capture it. 🙂 Gotta catch ‘m all!

Once again the 300D, now mounted with the 24mm Tilt Shift lens from Canon. It’s amazingly cool if you know how to use it.

And my dusty bass. 14mm lens.

“Walking on a Sunday morning”.

Hi guys! Had a couchsurfing guest at my place last night. Was brief, but fun. In the morning I brought her to the center of Arnhem where she had to do an English test. Anyway, on my way back I took some pics.




Most of them are quite in the same style I’ve been working for a while. Of course there will be people saying they’re photoshopped… I just call it processing.

Till next post!



Would you look at that, another trip! Yes ladies and gentleman, Steven is going on another bicycle trip!

This year the trip will be from Emmerich to Monaco. An exciting trip over mountains and the plains of France. We’ll see the provence while getting exhausted.

Want to know more? Visit the special website and tell us what you want us to do! Yes you’ve read it correct, YOU can come up with daily challenges and more!

Go to http://www.emmerichtomonaco.nl and share your challenge for us!

Back to the beginning, 300D.

When I was 18 years old I bought my first digital SLR. Needless to say it was a Canon EOS. Today, 7 years later I bought the bastard again for 1/9th of the price… times they are changing!

From Emmerich, with love.

Oaky it’s been a while but life has been crazy! I moved to Emmerich, I STILL don’t have internet there and I’ve been busy at work as well. Working 40 hours a week is quite a lot, especially if you do a lot of crunchtiming.

Photography still has it’s place in my daily routines and I occaisionly still take pictures. Especially in the weekends of course. So here are some very recent pictures all taken around my new house. Enjoy!

My Job

Okay guys, I think everyone has noticed I’ve been away for a while. I have a job. Yes, I have a job. It’s true.

Anyway took my cam to work. And I do respect the no-inside-photography-rules, so I took it outside. Here’s some pictures from my “workspace”!

Did I edit them: Yes.

Do I care about people who hate editing: No.


Simple. Photography is an interpretation of a mixture between life, how one sees it mixed with his or her feelings at that time. So there you have it. Limiting yourself within a creative branch is like creating engines to go slower. Pointless and not as much as FUN!

Just some tests.

Trying out a new studio setup with a black background and an improvised softbox. So far I’m quite happy with it but I’ve got lot’s to learn… luckily!

Heikki’s helmet when he still raced for ING Renault F1. I got this helmet from Isabelle Connor after an assignment I did for her. That made me so proud!

Here you can see Heikki’s autograph really good, awesome!

A bit edited to my likings, but probably less than how much you’d suspect… the light setup, less contrast and the white balance already does a lot.

Last but not least, where the magic happens:

Comments/questions are very welcome of course! Hope you enjoy.

Very random stuff actually.

Bought some thick paper to create a new product studio. So far so good. I also got a HUGE black sheet so that will be fun to play with. In the meanwhile: test shots and some skateboarding action from Arnhem where I had a job interview..

And now the promised skateboarding stuff…

5D MKII 2.0.4 firmware

I won’t offer a download since Canon learned from the 2.0.3 firmware and placed a mirror… but the new 2.0.4 firmware can be found here:

Canon Download site


I really wonder if anyone from Canon saw my website…

Reason they updated the firmware so quickly:

There was a phenomenon in which the manual recording settings made in C1/C2/C3 were changed and sound could not be recorded if manual sound recording was used in the C1/C2/C3 settings and the camera was subsequently turned off (or if Auto Power Off was activated). This does not occur in modes other than C1/C2/C3.

Thanks Canon for a quick fix for this issue! Not that I use it since I love manual… but I’m sure lot’s of people use it!

EOS 5D Mark II Firmware Update Version 2.0.3 Download Mirror here!

Hey Canon 5D Mark II ( MKII ) owners.

You can download the new EOS 5D MKII firmware, 2.0.3 at here:


However, the site seems extremely overloaded so I thought let’s upload it to my own server as a MIRROR and offer it to all my 5DMKII friends.

You can get it here as well:


We had the 500th download… =)

If you downloaded this, please comment (and verify it worked for you! 🙂 )

It worked for me so no worries friends!



Also take a look at the number of visitors to my site since I posted this page….


A Guitar

Doing a light study with my remote flash at the moment. First attempt… the batteries are dead so I have to recharge them. Fair enough here’s my bass guitar!

New Layout, old pics!

Let’s make things happier shall we? From the old stylish black I went for a completely different style. It’s by far from finished but I already liked it more than the old one so here it is.

A screenshot of the old layout can be found HERE.

Also I found some pictures I took a while back with an old 50 1.8 lens. So here we go!



Hope you guys like the new layout!

The Code

Can you read his QR Code? Mobile phones can “read” it. My new mobile can do it and I’m extremely happy with it.


My final schoolproject is gadgettribe.tv as some might know. I created that webpage and the video with my 5DMKII.

Anyway today I’ve been busy working on the filmstudio that we’re going to use in the new episodes of Gadgettribe.TV.

This is the black board that’s going to stand in front of the anchorman.. It’s all made of wood!

ALSO some other news… bought a new lens!!

Here you can see the Canon 28-300mm IS USM L lens… wich is attached at the Canon 1D MKII wich I also have.

So far: it’s GREAT!!

Ghent, Belgium.

It already has been a week, but a good memory anyway. Me and a friend went to Ghent to have a Maxforums gathering. What’s that? Well, some 3D/photography guys in Ghent drinking and talking geek stuff! Well.. we talked a lot about design, the current economy, more design, visual stuff, infinity (don’t ask.. please don’t) and we indeed had drinks. I brought my cam, 2 lenses and had lots of fun!

Means something along the lines of “love please.”

Martini bubles, I loved them!

The Cat. What a beauty!

The roof during our lunch the second day.

A very funky and happy colored bar!

Also 3D visual designers can look very ghetto.

Next stop, more drinks.

Some stairs at the place where we stayed.

Nd more…

The living room, well, small part of it. Looks great!!!

That’s all for now.