Photo of the day challenge

Why not take 365 photos, one photo at a time, spread over a whole year? Well, sounds easy right?

Reality is slightly different, and a daily photochallenge isn’t called a challenge for no reason. Heck, give me the icebucketchallenge, planking challenge or even the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge… but no this one is actually even for a photographer pretty difficult.

Why it’s a challenge


Everyday you need to find some time to capture something, edit it and post it. Trust me, in the beginning it’s nice, but there are some days where it’s just really difficult. Especially when you get home around 23:30, want to sleep and you feel you múst post a photo.

Daily routine

Everything you do on a daily basis is boring and normal to you. If you go to work five days a week using the same route, you won’t see anything interesting. To you, that is. Doing a daily challenge forces you to look around like a tourist again, but it’s hard.


What if you go abroad and you don’t have an internet connection? You actually need your (heavy) camera, laptop/computer to edit your stuff and an internetconnection to actually post your pixels.

Either way, you can check out my Photo of the Day album on my personal Facebook account. I guess you have to add me to see ‘m all. That’s fine tho.


Skateboarding + Infrared = Awesome.

Said earlier I got the 10D converted to infrared. It’s not THE camera for skateboarding, but with a nice Samyang 8mm movie-version lens, it works well. Here are some regular, and infrared skateboard photo’s I shot yesterday.




And now some regular photo’s.