The Beach and more.

Yesterday I went to the beach, in Zandvoort. Yes more German stuff I hear you say. Zandvoort, Dutch costal town right? Yes it is but it *still* has a lot of German influence hehe. Lot’s of tourists and the people from Zandvoort are all trying to make some money out of it. Ah well, who wouldn’t?

Picture of Emma standing over there. Yes it’s edited since I changed the blue to red, but I love the picture so much more like this.

Here’s the original by the way:

I call this one “Left out”, simply because the subject is standing alone while the other groups have 2 people.. and are not alone.

Final destination for this shell.

More from this series, love the silouette.

Some typical beach sand plus fence. You see this a lot at Zandvoort.

And here’s a view on the beach. Was a lovely day!

And then nature treated us on a lovely sunset! Lucky us!

This one has a personal touch.

And the cat from the neighbours “chicky”.. what a name lol.

That’s it for now.. got lot’s of pictures but I’m just too busy to resize/upload/post them…! Ah well! 

Have a good weekend folks, Formula 1 is up tomorrow!


Just another random post… the last 2 weeks I made some pics that didn’t belong to a serie or what-so-ever so this is the random post with these pictures… 

OR the guy was kicked from his apartment, or he is wasted or tired. Fact remains with a bag of stuff he was just sitting there for more than 5  minutes. Then I took the picture and walked off… he didn’t seem to want any help either. Poor buggar.

Lakeside Almere Buiten where I was chilling with me mate Feraaz, was really nice and peaceful.

Here I tried to make my bike to look really small. The trick is to zoom in zo there’s a LOT of DOF (Dept Of Field), when zoomed in you take 12 pictures (three rows of four) and you merge them together into one image. This is the result.  Original picture was (with smallest source files) about 80 megapixel… Yikes.

Here I tried the same with Victor. These where eight pictures merged toghether. Don’t think it worked that well but it’s still a nice picture haha.

That’s it for now, if you live in the Netherlands or any other location with nice weather like we do at the moment: Enjoy!

Small post.


Only three pictures. Yesterday Joost and me went on a trip to Utrecht where he was going to buy an ukulele. Here’s him relaxing in the train after he tuned it. It sounds really cool. Be sure to click this link.

Today we went on a bicycle trip since the weather is really nice. We’ve had coldness and rain for the past weeks so all of a sudden sun is like a blessing!
On our bicycle trip I’ve bought 2 lenses. Here’s two pictures made with Lens one, an Enna 28mm 3.5 lens. I also made a picture of the other lens I bought…

This is really a cool lens. It’s a Pentax P-Wire 55mm 1.8 lens made byAsahi Opt. Co.. It also states Super-Takumar… whatever that might mean.. Hehe. 

Here’s another picture I took with the 28mm lens:
I did NOT edit this picture. I adjusted the colors on the camera (and contrast and saturation etc) just the border was added… I love these 2 lenses!

That’s it for now, expect more on sunday or monday!

Again some more..

Being in a postingspree is nice, especially since there isn’t much content yet… so I thought to update it on a more regular basis. 

I Really liked that the clean teapot and cups are dark and the dirty cup is in the highlight. Dunno why… 

Random forrest picture.

Taken the same day as the forrest picture… this is around the corner at my house and it’s a train-bridge.

Yay got a new pc, and this is something that caught my eye… it looks like a part from a car haha. Never had a pc before with cooling-pipes. Funny stuff looks a bit like a steampunked pc haha.

That’s it for now, please leave a comment!


P.s. changed the layout, hope you guys like it. I love the black since the pictures are easier to see. And the rest is just funky!

While I’m at it…

Okay the new weblog is really nice for me. So I thought it update it with some recent shots. Here they are! Oh about the blog: going to update the layout soon.
Still I love the black background, makes my pictures way more easy to view! Awesome!


Yes I love my 15mm Sigma Fisheye lens haha!

This was taken through a Pentax lens… at 300 mm and I just loved the colors. I only made the car purple instead of red which is more… funky. Except that no editing.

Shot from Amsterdam, just liked it I guess haha!


That’s it for now, keep checking back and I’ll keep updating it.

Don’t forget to comment!