Anoooother bicycle trip in Arnhem

Was doing an asignment in and around Arnhem, so I decided to also take some other pics.

All taken with the Canon EOS 5DSR and Sigma 11-24mm ultra wide lens which works amazingly awesome at full frame. It’s very sharp and the images are great to edit in Photoshop using RAW. Anyway, enjoy!













Arnhem CS – the new trainstation

It’s always fun to bring your camera to work. When you go there, or go back, you’ll always see some nice stuff.

The new trainstation is something I pass everyday to work. They’ve been working on this for over the past 5 years or so, but it’s finally getting there. Here are three pics I took with the Canon EOS 5DSR and Sigma 15mm fisheye lens.

Arnhem Centraal Station, NS, Canon EOS 5DSr Sigma 15mm fisheye lens

Arnhem Centraal Station, NS, Canon EOS 5DSr Sigma 15mm fisheye lens

Arnhem Centraal Station, NS, Canon EOS 5DSr Sigma 15mm fisheye lens

New Pathé cinema in Arnhem

Who said cinema’s are dead? Pathé is opening a huge new cinema in Arnhem, and it’s really nice.

So in just two weeks time, this new cimema will open it’s doors. There’s still a lot to be done but you can already see it will be sweet. I was asked to join a fella journalist for Ik hou van Arnhem to check it out and  take some pics.

It will officially open the 20th of October for the grand public, but we’ll also be at the opening the 19th for guests and press. Nice!













A bike trip, and 15mm fisheye

Yesterday, I went on a cycling trip with Camilla. We did a total of 50km and ended up getting home way later than expected…

I wanted to buy something and then go to two friends in Brummen. We both took our camera’s and shot quite some pics. Camilla brought a 18-55 and a 70-200 while I was stuck with just a 15mm fisheye. All of these were taken with my full-frame fisheye setup.


Can we get any closer?


Yes we can.

Bridge from Arnhem to Westervoort.


A nice street in Doesburg.



Camilla enjoy the sky ‘nd freedom.



Hello there.




Bringing it to the next level

Monday, for many people a day where the weekend ends, and your job says hi again. But not for me, since Monday is my day off. Yet, I still had to go to the office for one important meeting.

But after the meeting I was of course free to go where I want. I walked back home when I passed Arnhem’s famous Eusebiuskerk, the large church in the middle of Arnhem. I’ve been capturing it a lot, since I can see it from my window, but I’ve never actually been on there. So let’s do it! Brought my 15mm fisheye and 70-200 to enjoy the view through the Canon EOS 5DSr’s monstrous 50 megapixels. And this is what Arnhem looks that way.


















Canon EOS 5DSr first shots and more

Allright let me start with this: a LOT has changed. But a lot of good things too. I got a LOT of new gear, so I’ll be showing off soon. Also a new camera body… the mighty Canon EOS 5DSr. took it for a spin, here are some results. Will give a nice review later on.







I guess the last shot kinda gave away what one of the new gadgets was… hehe.

Bikeride into Germany with Victor

Victor has been a buddy of mine for a long time now. We’ve studied, worked traveled and even lived together for a while in the UK. So it wasn’t surprising that he started working as a colleague 9 months ago.

But all good things must also end, so he had his last day of work last tuesday. Since I had a day off the next day, we decided to do a one day bicycle trip into Germany. We ended doing about 170km, and it was awesome. Here are some of the pics.

This was already in Germany, about 10km after Emmerich. We had a small stop since I wanted to check the map. A little bit further and…. we’d be at this beautiful castle.





For me, this is a typical German town. Some larger houses, a wheat field and the townsname on a yellow sign. As German as it could be.

Close to Rees is an abandoned building. I’m not sure what it was, but there were coal-carts, rails, ovens and boilerrooms. I’ve been here a couple of years ago, but things have changed. People actually turned it into a “Chill-Lounge” as they called it themselves. Looks kinda relaxed! Click on the image of a larger version of the panorama.


These are actually 3 photo’s merged together since I didn’t bring any fisheye lens.






A photo for our dear friends Sjoerd Bisselink and Clair Bissell.

This was in Wesel, and was a bit typical for our trip. Often you find yourself cycling in a dull place, and all of a sudden something huge/old like this appears. We’ve seen castles like Hogwarts, or this in the middle of a boring neighbourhood. Cool stuff.




This is actually only 10% of the whole image. And, it was taken while cycling on my bicycle. Didn’t stand still.


Here, we’re back in the Netherlands. The sun was setting, it was finally getting a bit cooler, and we had a final 20km to go through forrest and open fields. But we managed to get to Boxmeer and take the train home.

It was an awesome journey, lot’s of fun and with some lessons learned.

  • Don’t underestimate the sun, use sunlotion. I’ve been called “tomato” and “lobster boy” all day the next day at the office…
  • Do a LOT of regular long trips to get used to your bicycle saddle. Even while using a bicycle-short with a pad, my ass hurt like hell.
  • Have some extra space for bottles/food. I had a small bag on my steer, but it wasn’t big enough.
  • Bring a small toolkit.

That was it, hope you enjoyed the pics. Can’t wait for my next adventure!

55km bicycle trip to Doesburg

It was perhaps a bit late, but I wanted to do a bicycle trip yesterday. So at 17:00 I got on my bike and started moving.

I’ve been on the road from Arnhem to Zutphen/Brummen quite often, but I never went to Doesburg, which is close to the road. It’s a famous little town, so I had to visit it. I must say, it was quite nice.

After visiting the town, I decided not to go back the same route. I never like seeing the same road twice, so I just kept on going in the direction of Didam. There I cought up with my regular route to Germany, and went home.

Here are some pics of the journey, all taken with my Canon EOS M and it’s kitlens.














Last but not least, here’s the route I did.


Ye olde flowery lens garden

Today, something different. A while ago I bought some lens-cups from Dealextreme. Received the three two months later and loved them. However,…

One of the bastards started to leak at the bottom. I wasn’t going to glue or fix it, since I don’t like glues in my drinks, so I decided to recycle it.

I live at the top floor of an old building, so as you can guess I have no garden. Now I sorta have.


Arnhem panorama: Boulevard Heuvelink

So my landlord thought it was a good idea to explore our rooftop. Brought my camera, and I liked it’s view. So what’d I do?

Exactly! Pretty sure you guessed correctly that I took my 15mm fisheye, slammed it on my 5DII fullframe and I captured it’s view in 360 degree panorama. The result is OK, not perfect but it’s fine. I had to patch up quite a lot of things in Photoshop, but who cares. One of the photo’s is actually from the first panorama attemt, which I found out when I saw the shadow of a tree was a lot further than the other pic. I guess Earth DOES rotate around the sun hehe.

Want to watch the full 52 megapixel photo? View the full panorama picture (9mb!)

80km bike ride Arnhem Kleve Emmerich and back

So, I didn’t need to work last Wednesday. What did I do? Well, I felt like going for a bike trip.

I left home pretty late, around 2PM, but ended doing a 80km trip. Had lot’s of wind, which wasn’t helping. And even a bit of rain inbetween Kleve and Emmerich. But in the end, I made it back home. I also got some groceries in Kleve, so my backpack was top-heavy. Wasn’t helping but it’s always fun doing groceries in a different country with different products.

A small experiment: took my EOS M Systemcamera along and shot all pics in RAW format. I never did that before with this camera, but I feel I should’ve used that feature a long long time ago.

Anyway, here are the pics. Enjoy!



















München, Dachau en Salzburg: vakantie 2014

Emma and me like to travel a lot. Especially she likes Germany, and I like to go to new places. So it became München since it was also close to the Alps.

We’ve seen a lot of stuff and we experienced a lot of diversity. I mean, we stayed at a 4 star hotel in a shady neighbourhood, and used Couchsurfing to crash at an awesome guy’s place. We saw the horrific Dachau, and cheered at the finals of the World Cup. Saw nature in the Alps, and enjoyed the exciting city center of München. Here’s some pics, but be sure to check out the whole gallery for your enjoyment.


_MG_3578 _MG_3576

_MG_3299 _MG_3272 _MG_3327

Check out the whole gallery

A happy 2014 from Roma / Rome!

First of all, I’d like to wish you all a very happy and healthy 2014! It’s been a while since I posted something, and I actually still have to post some America photo’s.

Anyway, my girlfriend and me went to Rome for New Years Eve. I fixed my website and uploaded the gallery. Since it was a LOT of photo’s, I decided to devote a page to it. Enjoy!

The Coloseum
The Coloseum

View the Rome gallery

Greece 3/7

And we continue with photo’s from Greece!

Incredibly busy road, this photo is untouched, all visual effects done on the camera. Gotta love my 5DMII

A low quality, bad, overcontrasted and underlighted photo. Still I like it, good memories, good story.

Emma intergrating in Greec culture. Seriously DO support Greece because those warriors over there… you don’t want them to invade the rest of Europe!

Our awesome couchsurfing-host brought us to the opening of a salsa-club. We got a very nice demonstration of Salsa dancing. Sexy!

Wasn’t aware communism was still so active in countries. This was an eye-opener for me.

This was the place where we stayed. This was STEEP!

300D – playing around

Remember the old Canon EOS 300D camera? I might have the 1DMKII and 5DMKII around, but sometimes it’s nice to play around with the oldies. Don’t forget I started with this camera and I did paid work with it.

Arnhem, Boulevard Heuvelink. Shot with a nice Minolta 135mm 2.8 lens (converter used)

Welcome to eternal happiness – My kitchen.  14mm wide-angle lens.

Shot with an old Nikkor lens, on my EOS using a converter.

Same lens as in the previous picture, but on macro.

Got this flower from my girlfriend. So I decided to capture it. 🙂 Gotta catch ‘m all!

Once again the 300D, now mounted with the 24mm Tilt Shift lens from Canon. It’s amazingly cool if you know how to use it.

And my dusty bass. 14mm lens.

“Walking on a Sunday morning”.

Hi guys! Had a couchsurfing guest at my place last night. Was brief, but fun. In the morning I brought her to the center of Arnhem where she had to do an English test. Anyway, on my way back I took some pics.




Most of them are quite in the same style I’ve been working for a while. Of course there will be people saying they’re photoshopped… I just call it processing.

Till next post!


Canon 24-105 IS USM L love.

About two weeks ago I bought the Canon 24-105 IS USM L camera from a really cool photographer. In general photographers are mean bastards. Yes I’ve said it in public, I dislike them. No I don’t dislike them, I hate them. But this guy was really cool! So here are some pictures I took yesterday with this awesome lens.

In the meanwhile you can also take a look at his website here:

A new lifestyle.

A new house, a completely new location, far away from friends and family. Yes it’s something totally different.

Everything is new. From transport, food, the house to clothes and times I go to bed. To make the contrast even bigger, things got really cold after 2-3 weeks of living here. So cold that we actually got snow, nice! Except if you have to use your bicycle on a daily basis.

Either way, here some pics from my new “situation”.

This is my current bed. I actually finished putting it together yesterday!

Me after I just came home.

In the cold fields out there, clothes like these aren’t a luxery. I often cycle around 10-11pm through snowy blizzards. So a regular t-shirt and a cap won’t do.

Another one!

This is a famous building next to trainstation Wehl. It has been abandonned for a while now. Can you tell?

And here two other pics I took last friday when I went to Amsterdam. Taken at Utrecht CS after my train had a 30 minute delay.

That’s all for now, hope you enjoy them!