As the title already indicates, I got a new lens. And it’s a beauty! The Canon 50mm 1.4 lens. Why is this one so special? The 24-105 covers a wide range and 50mm is in that range… Well the aperture is really nice.
The lower the aperture number, the more extreme the Depth of field (DOF) effect is. What is in focus will always be sharp, but what’s out of focus will be blurry. The lower the aperture number, the blurrier out of focus objects are.
Anyway… Back to the actual photo’s. Here are some test shots I made with this lens:
Picture of my desk… kind of messy, 2 camera’s, phone and coffee.
A car in our street. I edited the numberplate for privacyreasons. It looks quite miniature I’d say..
Small shed in the garden…
Don’t eat them! 😛
Painted this one myself…
Attempt at product-photography..
The cat singing.
How cute… Yes it’s real btw.
Water tower in Ijmuiden.
The harbour in Ijmuiden, I ate fish with my girl somewhere there…
And at the beach.
That’s it for now! Bye-bye, and leave a comment!